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In ProtoPie, a Response is an interaction piece that is triggered by a Trigger. It can be described as the action initiated by the trigger to which it is tied.


Moving a layer to specific coordinates.


Coordinates for a layer’s destination

response move


Scaling a layer up or down.


It is possible to modify the size of a layer with fixed values for the width and the height. (When containers are resized, the layers within the container remain unchanged.)


It is possible to modify the size of a layer proportionally by a certain %. (When containers are resized, the layers within the container are also resized.)

response scale


Rotating a layer to specific angles.

3D Rotate

Rotating a layer to specific angles in a three-dimensional field.

Rotate To

The angle a layer rotates to

Rotate By

The amount of rotation a layer rotates by


The area towards which a layer moves


The reference point from which a layer undergoes rotation or resizing

Perspective Depth

The distance between a layer and a point of focus for viewing

response 3dRotate


Changing the transparency of a layer.


Changing the color of a layer.


Changing the layer’s color


Changing the layer’s border color


Changing the layer’s shadow color

response color


Changing the radius of individual corners or all corners of a layer.

Radius To

The value a radius should have.

Radius By

The amount that needs to be added or subtracted from the current radius.

response radius


Adding custom borders to a layer.

Border Position

Borders can be placed on the inside, center or outside of a layer’s outline

response border


Adding custom shadows to a layer.


Shadows can be customized based on the chosen coordinates and blur

response shadow

Background Blur

Blurring underneath layers based on specific blur effects.


Changing the order of layers in a stack.


The changes of a layer’s order

response reorder


Scrolling to a specific position within a container.


The amount a layer scrolls

response scroll


Going from one scene to another scene.

Use Smart Jump to animate transitions between scenes automatically. Learn more about Smart Jump.


Jump to a certain scene


Transition effects when jumping to a scene

  • Instant
  • Smart
  • Fade
  • Pop
  • Slide In
  • Slide Out
  • Flip
Reset the current scene

The selected scene will be reset when jumping to it. If this option is not enabled, the scene is left in its last state

response jump


Send responses enable device interactions, but they cannot be used independently.

They must be used with Receive triggers. Such actions fire when a prototype with a Receive trigger receives a message sent from a different prototype through the Send response. The received message should always match the sent message.

Sending and receiving messages can be used within the same scene to modularize interactions or reuse a set of responses, avoiding repetitive work.

Channel [Component]

Inside the component, you can use the Send response to send a message and this can be received by a Receive trigger outside the component. This also works the other way around. Refer to Components for more information.

Channel [ProtoPie Connect/Studio]

Select ProtoPie Connect/Studio as a channel to allow interactions among devices (it works the same way for ProtoPie Connect).

Channel [Current Scene]

To modularize interactions or reuse a set of responses avoiding repetitive work, you can use Receive triggers and Send responses in one scene.


A message is a string that is transmitted. The message in the Receive trigger on one device should match the message in the Send response, only then interactions among devices will take place.

Assign to Variable

It is possible to send a value together with a message. This value would have to be assigned to a variable upon receiving.

Send Response


Opening websites or apps through URL schemes.


You can enter website URLs and visit a website in the browser or the in-app browser on iOS.

  • e.g.
  • e.g.

URL schemes allow you to open system apps and third-party apps on iOS and Android devices. Third-party apps usually have their own defined URL schemes.

  • e.g.
  • e.g. tel:+1-212-555-1234
  • e.g. whatsapp://send?text=[[hello]]
  • e.g. fb://feed
  • e.g. slack://open?team={TEAM_ID}

You can enter formulas and use the Link response more dynamically.

  • e.g. "" + `Input 1`.text
  • e.g. "" + `keyword`.text


Changing the content and properties of a text layer. Text responses have no duration.

Change To

The text content will be changed to that desired by the user


The text is resized


The text can be made bolder or lighter


The text’s horizontal or vertical alignment can be adjusted

Line Spacing

The text’s line spacing can be adjusted

response text


Modifying the content of an image, video, or Lottie layer. Depending on your plan, you can import images from your local files or, for Enterprise users, from a self-hosted URL.

The following formats are supported:

  • Image: PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, SVG, and WebP.
  • Video: MP4 (H.264), WebM, and MOV files up to 100 MB.
  • Lottie: ProtoPie does not support Lottie files that use expressions.

Learn more about the supported media files.


Choose an image, video, or Lottie from your device or import one from a self-hosted URL.

Start Delay

Enter the time delay to start the response.

media response


Focusing in or out of an input layer.

Focus In

The cursor focuses in on the selected Input Layer.

Focus Out

The cursor focuses out of the selected Input Layer.

response focus


Accessing or exiting the device's native camera.

The Camera response must be used together with the camera layer. It also enables you to utilize the QR & Barcode Scanner function for scanning QR codes and barcodes directly within your prototype.

Action [Start]

Start the camera. You can choose between the front-facing camera and the rear-facing camera.

Action [Stop]

Stop the camera.

Camera [Current Camera]

Use the current camera.

Camera [Front Camera]

Use the current camera.

Camera [Rear Camera]

Use the rear-facing camera.

Camera [Switch]

Use the camera facing the opposite side of the last used camera.

QR & Barcode Scanner

Enable scanning QR and barcodes from within your prototype.

Open URL Immediately

Scan a QR code to open a link in a web browser. To scan barcodes, utilize the Keep Tracking option.

Keep Tracking

Monitor values stored in your QR or barcode.


Playing, pausing, and seeking video, audio, and Lottie layers.


Play the audio, video, or Lottie file.


Pause the audio, video, or Lottie file.


Move to a specific point in the audio, video, or Lottie file. Enter a timestamp following the MM:SS.SS format.

It's possible to use formulas. This way, you can make a working scrubber. See example.


Controlling the volume of video or audio files.

Volume To

Adjusting the volume of an audio or video layer

ProtoPie volume response


Activating vibration and haptic feedback on smart devices.

Refer to Google's Android Developer Documentation and Apple's Human Interface Guidelines for more information about haptic feedback.

  • Default: Basic vibration.
  • Notification - Success: Indicates that a task or action, such as depositing a check or unlocking a vehicle, has completed.
  • Notification - Warning: Indicates that a task or action, such as depositing a check or unlocking a vehicle, has produced a warning of some kind.
  • Notification - Failure: Indicates that a task or action, such as depositing a check or unlocking a vehicle, has failed.
  • Impact - Light/Medium/Heavy: Provides a physical metaphor that complements the visual experience. For example, the user might feel a thud when a view slides into place or two objects collide.
  • Selection - Selection: Indicates that the selection is actively changing. For example, the user feels light taps while scrolling a picker wheel. This feedback is intended for communicating movement through a series of discrete values, not making or confirming a selection.
  • Default: Basic vibration.
  • Keyboard Press: Haptic feedback when the user has pressed a virtual or software keyboard key.
  • Keyboard Tap: Haptic feedback when the user has pressed a soft keyboard key.
  • Long Press: Haptic feedback when the user has performed a long press on an object that is resulting in an action being performed.
  • Virtual Key: Haptic feedback when the user has pressed on a virtual on-screen key.

response vibrate


Activating reading a text out loud, either by inputting the text or through a formula.

Learn more about voice prototyping.


You can enter the text to be read out loud.


To make your voice interaction more dynamic, you can use formulas as long as the used formula results in a text. Also, you can use the predefined variable $voiceTranscript that stores the last voice command.


You can choose from 40 languages and language variants.

Voiced by

You can choose between a female and male voice per language.


You can adjust the speed by choosing a value between 0.5 and 2.


You can adjust the pitch by choosing a value between 0.5 and 2.

Speak Response As Interaction


Activating listening to voice commands.

By default, prototypes do not pick up any voice commands. Hence, listening needs to be enabled first. Prototypes can listen to voice commands continuously for up to 5 minutes.

Learn more about voice prototyping.


When listening to voice commands is enabled, it would stop automatically as soon as no speech is being picked up anymore. In order to avoid this, you can check Continuous to make sure listening remains enabled even when no voice commands are picked up.

When Continuous has been checked, you would need a separate Listen response to stop listening. This means that when Continuous is unchecked, you do not need a separate Listen response to stop listening.

Continuous Option For Listen Response


Resetting the current scene, a layer, or a variable. You can reset the whole scene and also default a layer or variable back to its initial state.


Halting the animation of a layer. For example, you can use Stop to stop a loading or progress bar.


Overwriting the value stored in a variable.


Configuring parameters that need to be met to trigger responses.

> Greater than

A Response is triggered when a property of the target layer exceeds that set for this property

≥ Greater than or equal to

A Response is triggered when a property of the target layer reaches or exceeds that set for this property

< Less than

A Response is triggered when a property of the target layer goes below that set for this property

≤ Less than or equal to

A Response is triggered when a property of the target layer reaches or goes below that set for this property

= Equal to

A Response is triggered when a property of the target layer is exactly the same as that set for this property.

≠ Not equal to

A Response is triggered when a property of the target layer is not exactly the same as that set for this property

response condition
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