Pro plan

  • How do I upgrade from Basic to Pro?

    To upgrade from the Basic to the Pro plan, follow these simple steps:

    1. Visit ProtoPie Cloud.
    2. Click on your account name in the top right corner and select Billing.
    3. On the Manage Billing page, locate the Basic Plan section.
    4. Click the "Upgrade to Pro" button.

    Once the upgrade is complete, please contact us for a prorated refund for the unused portion of your Basic plan.

  • If I upgrade from Basic to Pro, will I get a refund for my Basic plan?

    After upgrading from Basic to Pro, you will receive a prorated refund for the unused portion of your existing Basic plan. For instance, if you have a yearly Basic plan and have used it for one month, you will be refunded for the remaining 11 months.

    Please contact us after completing the upgrade, and we will assist you with the refund process.

  • I paid for the Pro plan, but my account still shows as Free. How can I resolve this?

    If you're encountering this issue, it might be due to your current role, which needs to be updated from Viewer to Editor. To resolve this:

    1. Log into ProtoPie Cloud.
    2. Choose your team space from the dropdown menu.
    3. Click on Team settings.
    4. Under Roles, update your member role from Viewer to Editor.

    This should ensure that your subscription plan is accurately reflected in ProtoPie Studio. If the issue persists, contact our support team for further assistance.

  • How many prototypes can I create and upload with the Pro plan?

    With an editor role, you can create and upload an unlimited number of prototypes to the cloud.

  • How can I update the number of editor seats in my Pro plan?

    As a team owner, you can modify the number of editor seats within your Pro plan team.

    To increase the number of editor seats:

    1. Access the Billing page on ProtoPie Cloud
    2. Choose your team from the dropdown menu
    3. Click on the three-dot menu, and select "Manage editor seats" to add seats as needed.

    To decrease the number of editor seats:

    • Cancel your existing plan.
    • Wait until your current billing cycle ends.
    • Resubscribe to our Pro Plan with the desired number of editor seats.

    When resubscribing, make sure to select the original team space to retain access to all existing pies.

  • Can I create multiple teams using a single Pro plan subscription?

    No, each Pro plan subscription is associated with one team only. If you wish to create multiple teams, each team will require its own separate Pro plan subscription.

    However, ProtoPie Enterprise offers the flexibility to create multiple teams. Learn more.

  • What are the differences between viewers and editors?

    Team owners and admins can invite new members to the team as either editors or viewers.

    Viewers can access projects, view prototypes, and leave comments. Editors have the same capabilities as viewers, plus they can create prototypes and interaction recordings, and use team libraries and ProtoPie Connect.

    For a detailed comparison of the features and permissions of editors and viewers, please refer to our comparison table.

  • Can Pro plan viewers leave comments on prototypes?

    Yes, members who join a Pro plan as viewers can leave comments on prototypes. This enables effective collaboration and feedback within the team.

  • How do I add the Connect add-on to my Pro plan?

    You can choose the Connect add-on directly while subscribing to the Pro plan. If you decide to add it later, simply visit the Manage Billing page on ProtoPie Cloud to purchase the add-on.

    If your Pro plan subscription was started before May 9, 2024, and you wish to remove the Connect add-on, follow these steps.

  • How is the Connect add-on billed?

    If you're on the Pro plan, you must purchase the Connect add-on for each individual editor from your team, not for the team as a whole.

    • If your team consists of 5 editors, you must purchase the add-on for each editor; it cannot be applied to just one or a few editors.
    • The add-on is billed according to your subscription plan: monthly if you're on a monthly plan and annually if you're on an annual plan (applicable to both Basic and Pro plans).
  • How can I remove the Connect add-on from my Pro plan subscription?

    If you subscribed to the Pro plan before May 9, 2024, you cannot directly remove ProtoPie Connect from your existing Pro plan subscription. However, you can transition to a Connect-free subscription by managing your subscription at the end of your current billing cycle. Here's how you can do it:

    1. Cancel your current Pro plan subscription. You will continue to have access to the plan until the end of your billing cycle.
    2. Resubscribe to the Pro plan.
    3. During the subscription process, opt not to include the ProtoPie Connect add-on.
  • Does the Pro plan offer a trial period?

    The Pro plan does not offer a free trial option. You can either opt for our Free plan or refer to our pricing comparison table for a detailed breakdown of what each plan includes.

  • What happens if I cancel my Pro plan?

    If you choose to cancel your active Pro plan, you'll remain subscribed until the end of the current billing cycle. After that, editors in your team won't be able to create, edit, or upload new prototypes to your team space using ProtoPie.

    However, all members will still have access to their prototypes as viewers within the team space.

  • Is there a storage limit for the Pro plan?

    With the Pro plan, you get up to 5GB of cloud storage per team and unlimited storage in your Personal Space. Locally, you can store your Pies without any restrictions.

  • What happens if I exceed my storage limit for the Pro plan?

    • Exceeded limit: You won’t be able to save new Pies until your team admin cleans up the Team Space.
    • Approaching limit: You’ll receive a warning. Ask your team admin to manage the team space or use personal space as a backup. For additional storage, have your team admin contact us.
  • What happens if I downgrade to a Basic or Free plan?

    If your cloud space exceeds the 50MB limit for the Free plan or the 500MB limit for the Basic plan, you won’t be able to access your projects until you upgrade. Your projects will not be deleted. Click here to upgrade again if needed.

  • How can I optimize team cloud storage?

    In addition to Pie files, interaction libraries also count toward your cloud storage.

    • Clean up the Pie revision history.
    • Archive old or unused interaction libraries.
    • Utilize your personal space more frequently to help manage team space effectively.
  • How can I add more storage to the Pro plan?

    • For team editors: Email your team admin to request more storage. You can find their email address in the Cloud storage space.
    • For team admins & owners: Contact us to request additional storage. We’ll assist you with the process.
  • How can I manage a Pie’s revision history?

    Follow these simple steps To manage Pie revision history:

    • Go to the ‘Storage’ menu and select “Manage revision history” from the Pie list.
    • Navigate to the Pie’s revision history tab.
    • Select the revisions you want to remove and click “Delete.”

    Note that at least one revision must remain in the list. Also, the "Manage revision history" menu is disabled for private files.